Special event October 27, 2016
FBL Membership Meeting 6:30 pm
Summary of Proposed Bylaw Amendments – October 2016 - to be voted on by members
Article V: Directors
Section 10: The bylaws as originally written required that when a Director vacates his or her position during the course of their term “[the] replacement shall be a property owner in the same Town as the vacating Director.” This limitation is removed in the proposed amendment.
Article VIII: Officers
Section 1: The bylaws did not specify the term length for officers. The section was changed to clarify that the term of office is three years.
Section 2: The bylaws did not specify how to handle an officer position that is vacated during the course of a term. The proposed amendment states that interim officers are elected by directors. They serve until next annual meeting after which the directors can elect the interim officer or another candidate to a full three-year term.
Article V: Directors
Section 10: The bylaws as originally written required that when a Director vacates his or her position during the course of their term “[the] replacement shall be a property owner in the same Town as the vacating Director.” This limitation is removed in the proposed amendment.
Article VIII: Officers
Section 1: The bylaws did not specify the term length for officers. The section was changed to clarify that the term of office is three years.
Section 2: The bylaws did not specify how to handle an officer position that is vacated during the course of a term. The proposed amendment states that interim officers are elected by directors. They serve until next annual meeting after which the directors can elect the interim officer or another candidate to a full three-year term.
Director appointment extensions to be voted on by members.
The Bylaws provide for up to eleven members on the Board. There are currently four vacancies. To propose a candidate or to step forward for consideration please contact us using the information below.
The following directors have current appointments to the Board of the Friends of Bolton Lakes, lnc.:
The following Directors are seeking reappointment to the Board of Friends of Bolton Lakes, lnc.:
The Bylaws provide for up to eleven members on the Board. There are currently four vacancies. To propose a candidate or to step forward for consideration please contact us using the information below.
The following directors have current appointments to the Board of the Friends of Bolton Lakes, lnc.:
- Leona Crosskey - current term through December 31, 2018
- Shelly Jewell - current term through December 31, 2018
- Karl Prewo - current term through December 31, 2017
- Peter Van Dine - current term through December 31, 2017
The following Directors are seeking reappointment to the Board of Friends of Bolton Lakes, lnc.:
- David Forrest - term to be extended to December 31, 2019
- Jeffrey Phelon - term to be extended to December 31, 2019
- Paul Weisser - term to be extended to December 31, 2019
Watershed Community forum 7:00 pm
Third Annual Bolton Lakes Watershed Community Forum
Preliminary Agenda
- A presentation on the aquatic plant population in the lakes;
- Briefings on the Friends of Bolton Lakes and the Bolton Lakes Watershed Conservation Alliance activities;
- Updates of the watershed-related activities in the towns of Bolton, Vernon and the Bolton Lakes Regional Water Pollution Control;
- Time for public discussion of lake and watershed issues; and
- Refreshments and social time to spend with your neighbors.